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(Updated June 2015



The Jericho Iteration (Ace, 1994)
The Tranquillity Alternative (Ace, 1995)
Oceanspace (Ace, 2000)
Time Loves A Hero (originally published as Chronospace; Ace, 2001; under author’s preferred title, Open Road Media, 2015)
Apollo’s Outcasts (Pyr, 2012)
V-S Day (Ace, 2014)
Arkwright (Tor, 2016)

Near-Space Series

Orbital Decay (Ace, 1989)
Clarke County, Space (Ace, 1990)
Lunar Descent (Ace, 1991)
Labyrinth of Night (Ace, 1992)
A King of Infinite Space (Harper-Prism, 1997)

Coyote Trilogy:

Coyote (Ace, 2002)
Coyote Rising (Ace, 2004
Coyote Frontier (Ace, 2005)

Coyote Chronicles:

Coyote Horizon (Ace, 2009)
Coyote Destiny (Ace, 2010)

Coyote Universe:

Spindrift (Ace, 2007)
Galaxy Blues (Ace, 2008)
Hex (Ace, 2011)


The Weight (Legend, 1995)
The River Horses (Subterranean Press, 2007)
Angel of Europa (Subterranean, 2011)
Escape from Earth (Amazon, 2014)


Rude Astronauts (Old Earth, 1992)
All-American Alien Boy (Old Earth, 1996)
Sex and Violence in Zero-G: The Complete Near-Space Stories (Meisha Merlin, 1999; Fantastic Books, expanded edition, 2012)
American Beauty (Five Star, 2003)
The Last Science Fiction Writer (Subterranean Press, 2008)
Tales of Time and Space (Fantastic Books, 2015)


Primary Ignition: Essays 1997-2001 (Wildside, 2003)

Reprint Abbreviations:
RA-Rude Astronauts
AAAB-All-American Alien Boy
SV- Sex and Violence in Zero-G
AB-American Beauty

LSFW-Last Science Fiction Writer

“Operation Blue Horizon”; Worcester Monthly, Sept. `88 (revised as “Goddard’s People”)
“Live from the Mars Hotel”; Asimov’s, mid-Dec. `88 RA/SV
“Free Beer and the William Casey Society”; Asimov’s, Feb. `89 RA/SV
“John Harper Wilson”; Asimov’s, June `89 RA-SV
“Winter Scenes from the Cold War”; Worcester Monthly, Mar. `89 RA
“Red Planet Blues”; Asimov’s, Sept. `89 (revised as Part One of Labyrinth of Night)
“Ride to Live, Live to Ride”; Asimov’s, Nov. `89 (excerpt from Orbital Decay)
“Trembling Earth”; Asimov’s, Nov. `90 RA
“Hapgood’s Hoax”; Asimov’s, mid-Dec. `90 RA
“Goddard’s People”; Asimov’s, July `91/What Might Have Been, Vol. III, Bantam, `91 RA
“Mecca”; Isaac’s Universe, Vol. II, Avon `91
“The Return of Weird Frank”; Asimov’s, Dec. `91 RA/SV
“Sugar’s Blues”; Asimov’s, Feb. `92 RA/SV
“Graceland”; Asimov’s, Tales of Riverworld, Warner, `92 AAAB
“Walking on the Moon”, Rude Astronauts, 1992 RA/SV
“Mudzilla’s Last Stand”; Asimov’s, Jan. `93 AAAB
“Talk Show”; Balticon program book, Apr. `93
“Hunting Wabbit”; SF Age, May `93 AAAB
“Lost in the Shopping Mall”; Fantasy & Science Fiction, Oct./Nov. `93 AAAB
“Whinin’ Boy Blues”; Asimov’s, Feb `94 AAAB
‘Shepherd Moon”; Fantasy & Science Fiction, June `94 SV
“2,437 UFOs Over New Hampshire”; Alien Made Pregnant by Elvis, DAW `94 AAAB
“See Rock City”; Omni, `94 AAAB
“Riders in the Sky”; Alternate Outlaws, Tor `95 AAAB
“The Weight”; hardcover novella, Legend, U.K., 1995; revised version, SV
“Jonathan Livingstone Seaslug”; SF Age, Feb. `95 AAAB
“The War Memorial”; Asimov’s, Sept. `95 SV
“The Death of Captain Future”; Asimov’s, Oct. `95 SV
“Working for Mister Chicago”; Absolute Magnitude, Fall `95 SV
“The Good Rat”; Analog, mid-Dec. `95 AAAB
“Kronos”; SF Age, Jan. `96 SV
“Doblin’s Lecture”; Pirate Writings, Spring `96 AAAB
“A Letter from St. Louis”; The War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, Bantam `96 AAAB
“Missing Time”; Worcester Magazine, Sept. 25, `96 AB
“`…Where Angels Fear to Tread’”; Asimov’s, Oct./Nov. `97 (revised as Part Two of Chronospace)
“The Flying Triangle”; Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction, Overlook, `98 SV
“Zwarte Piet’s Tale”; Analog, `Dec. `98 SV
“Her Own Private Sitcom”; Analog, Jan. `99 AB
“The Exile of Evening Star”; Asimov’s, Jan. `99 SV
“Green Acres”; SF Age, Mar. `99 AB
“0.0-G Sex: A User’s Guide”; Sex and Violence in Zero-G, 2000
“Agape Among the Robots”; Analog, May `00; Imagination Fully Dilated, Vol. II; IFD Publishing, `00 AB
“The Boid Hunt”; Star Colonies, DAW `00 (revised as Part Five of Coyote)
“Warning, Warning”; Fantastic, Spring `00 AB
“Stealing Alabama”; Asimov’s, Jan. `02 (revised as Part One of Coyote)
“The Fine Art of Watching”; Analog, Feb. `01 (as by “John Mulherin”) AB
“The Days Between”; Asimov’s, Mar. `01 (revised as Part Two of Coyote)
“Tom Swift and His Humongous Mechanical Dude”; Fantasy & Science Fiction, June `01 AB
“Coming to Coyote”; “Asimov’s, July `01 (revised as Part Three of Coyote)
“Liberty Journals” Asimov’s, Oct./Nov. `01 (revised as Part Four of Coyote)
“Jake and the Enemy”; Oceans of the Mind, Fall `01 AB
“Across the Eastern Divide”; Asimov’s, Feb. `02 (revised as Part Six of Coyote)
“Lonesome and a Long Way From Home”; Asimov’s, June `02 (revised as Part Seven of Coyote)
“A Walk Across Mars”; Mars Probes, DAW `02 AB
“Glorious Destiny”; Asimov’s `02 (Revised as Part Eight of Coyote)
“The Teb Hunter”; Witpunk, Four Walls Eight Windows, `02 LSFW
“The Mad Woman of Shuttlefield; Asimov’s, May `03 (revised as Part One of Coyote Rising)
“Benjamin the Unbeliever”; Asimov’s, Aug. `03 (revised as Part Two of Coyote Rising)
“The Garcia Narrows Bridge”; Asimov’s, Jan. `04 (revised as Part Three of Coyote Rising)
“Thompson’s Ferry”; Asimov’s, Mar. `04 (revised as Part Four of Coyote Rising)
“High Roller”; Cosmic Tales; Baen, 2004 LSFW
“Incident at Goat Kill Creek”; Asimov’s, Apr./May `04 (revised as Part Five of Coyote Rising)
“Moreau2”; Analog, July `04 LSFW
“Shady Grove”; Asimov’s, July `04 (revised as Part Six of Coyote Rising)
“Liberation Day”; Asimov’s, Oct./Nov. `04 (revised as Part Seven of Coyote Rising)
“Home of the Brave”; Asimov’s, Dec. `04 (revised as Part Eight of Coyote Rising)
“An Incident at the Luncheon of the Boating Party”; Eeriecon chapbook, `05; Fantasy and Science Fiction, Dec. `05 LSFW
“The War of Dogs and Boids”; (Amazon Shorts series), Aug. `05 LSFW
“Hail to the Chief”; Future Washington, Washington Science Fiction Association, `05 LSFW
“World Without End, Amen”; Asimov’s, Jan. `06 LSFW
“Take Me Back to Old Tennessee”; Millenium 3001, DAW, `06 LSFW
“The Last Science Fiction Writer”; Subterranean Stories, July `06 LSFW
“Walking Star”; Forbidden Planets, Science Fiction Book Club, `06 (revised as Part Two of Coyote Horizon)
“Escape From Earth”; Escape From Earth: New Adventures, Science Fiction Book Club, `06 LSFW
“The River Horses”; Asimov’s, April/May `07
“The Other Side of Jordan”; Federations, Prime Books, `09 TTS
“The Jekyll Island Horror”; Asimov’s, Jan. `10 TTS
“The Emperor of Mars”; Asimov’s, June ’10 TTS
“The Great Galactic Ghoul”; Analog, Oct. `10 SV
“The Zoo Team”; Analog, Analog, Nov. `10 SV
“The Observation Post”; Asimov’s, Sept. `11 TTS
“Alive and Well, A Long Way From Anywhere”; Asimov’s July `12 TTS
“The Big Whale”; Rip-Off!, `13 TTS
“Ticking”; Solaris Rising 2, Solaris Books, `13 TTS
“Sixteen Million Leagues from Versailles”; Analog, Oct. `13 TTS
“Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun”; TRSF 2, Oct. `13 TTS
“Locomotive Joe and the Space Train”; Impossible Futures TTS
“Martian Blood”; Old Mars, `13 TTS
“The Heiress of Air”; Raygun Chronicles: Space Opera for a New Age, ’14 TTS
“The Legion of Tomorrow”; Asimov’s, 6/’14 (revised and expanded as Part One of Arkwright)
“The Prodigal Son”; Asimov’s, 10-11/’14 (revised and expanded as Part Two of Arkwright)
“The Long Wait”; Asimov’s, 1/’15 (revised and expanded as Part Three of Arkwright)
“The Children of Gal”; Asimov’s, 4-5/’15 (revised and expanded as Part Four of Arkwright)
“Frogheads”; Old Venus, `15

Reprint abbreviation:
PI – Primary Ignition

“The Launch Pad on the Kitchen Table”; Journal Wired, Summer/Fall `90
“Hard Again”; The New York Review of Science Fiction, June `92
“The Flood in the Global Village”; unpublished, July `93; PI
“36-Minus-11”; Locus, August `94
“SF’s Cinematic Sentinel”; SF Age, May `95
“SF vs. the Thing”; The New York Review of Science Fiction, Sept. `95/Oct. `95
“Artifacts of the Future”; Absolute Magnitude, Spring `97 PI
“The Merchants of Mars”; Absolute Magnitude, Fall/Winter `97 PI
“Cape Canaveral Diary”; Absolute Magnitude, Spring `98 PI
“Bennett Cerf Asks: Do You Have A Restless Urge To Write?” Absolute Magnitude, Summer
`98 PI
“Dispatch from the Radjah Club”; Absolute Magnitude, Summer `99 PI
“Leap of Faith”; Absolute Magnitude, Winter `99 PI
“`And Now, Our Lead Story…’”; Absolute Magnitude, Spring `00 PI
“Dispatch from Tucson”; Absolute Magnitude, Summer `00 PI
“Road Trip for Rockets `84”; Artemis, Summer `00 PI
“Getting It Right”; Science Fiction Chronicle, Oct./Nov. `00
“The Tourist Trap”; Artemis, Spring `01 PI
“Jake’s Last Stand”; Absolute Magnitude, Fall `01 PI
“The Curse of Hugo Gernsback”; Science Fiction Chronicle, March `01
“Cognitive Dissonance in Las Vegas”; Absolute Magnitude, Spring `01 PI
“Facing Mars”; Absolute Magnitude, Summer `01 PI
“Long Time Coming”; Artemis, Summer `01 PI
“Mr. Steele Goes to Washington”; Artemis, Summer `01 PI
“Written Testimony to the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science,
U.S. House of Representatives”; Artemis, Summer `01 PI
“Oral Testimony on Space Exploration to the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics”;
Science Fiction Chronicle, July `01
“Estimated Prophet”; Artemis, Spring `02 PI
“The End of the Century”; Absolute Magnitude, Summer `02 PI
“Stealing Ellison”; Science Fiction Chronicle, May `02
“Moon Age Daydreams”; Artemis, Summer `02
“Shepard’s Balls”; Artemis, Winter `03
“Doomsday 1933: When Worlds Collide Reconsidered”; The New York Review of Science
Fiction, April `04
“Moon Age Daydreams”; Return to the Moon; Apogee, `05 (NOTE: abridged reprint of above)
“Conversations With Hal”; Hal’s Worlds; Wildside, `05
“All Our Tomorrows: The Shared Universe of Star Trek”; Boarding the Enterprise, BenBella `06
“Mad Science and Machine Guns: Doc Savage Revisited”; The New York Review of Science
Fiction, Sept. `08
“Writing `Graceland’”; Farmerphile, Jan. `09
“Tomorrow Through The Past”; Asimov’s, Sept. ‘15